Our vegetables
Since the beginning, we have been growing on customer demand. Through the experience gained, we are able to translate our customers' needs into optimal cultivation plans. Wherein the timing of sowing is precisely tailored to our customer's schedule. In addition, cultivation is closely monitored by the cultivation supervisors of Telersvereniging De Schakel.
It all starts with a vital soil
Growing vegetables responsibly and sustainably is essential for our soil, the environment, the climate and nature on one side and, naturally, our company on the other side. For now, and for the next generation. We work proactively to optimise the vegetable chain from farm to fork. Throughout the chain, we share knowledge with our partners and encourage innovation.
We grow and sell vegetables and vegetable products so people & earth can flourish
We grow and sell vegetables and vegetable products so people & earth can flourish
It all starts with the soil
Our vegetables germinate from the soil to grow into the products we supply to our customers. In order to obtain the best end products, a healthy, vital soil is very important. To this end, we work with an extensive soil database that shows us what during recent years has been cultivated on each plot of land. This is how, among other things, we are able to ensure the optimal crop rotation per plot while focusing on soil health.
Responsible growing
Growing vegetables responsibly and sustainably is essential for our soil, the environment, the climate and nature on one side and, naturally, our customers on the other side. For now, and for the next generation. We keep track of how each field has been used in recent years, how it has been cared for, what it has yielded and what soil values have been measured. We share this knowledge with our partners. This helps to guide the grower in making improvements as far as production and utilisation of the soil are concerned. This is how we jointly move towards growing responsibly and sustainably.
Switching fast for our customers
Our vegetables are harvested with our own harvesters. We know these machines inside out; so by that we know what they can do and we can safeguard quality for our customers and growers. Where necessary, we modify the harvesters ourselves to achieve the best results. While doing so, the quality of our product is paramount.
The machines are maintained in-house and we have a specialised (mobile) workshop to get them back to work quickly in case of a breakdown. In short, we do everything we can to provide our customers with the best product!
Fresh from the land or subsequent processing
A large part of our vegetables are delivered fresh from the land to our customers. Thanks to a close coordination between our planners and the customers, vegetables can be freshly packed at the spot for the consumer!
The vegetables that do undergo further processing in Helmond are first washed and sorted here. The vegetables then find their further way across our production lines and are further processed into, among other things, snack carrots or juices, concentrates, purees or fibres for international customers.
Our product portfolio
Working with our supply chain partners to deliver healthy vegetables. Demand-driven with a positive impact.— Maarten Marx, Commercial manager

We grow for ingredients
To deliver the best end product to our customers, it is vital to know their challenges. By working closely with customers and growers, we ensure that the right product reaches the customers. Thanks to our years of experience with vegetables and our position in the chain, we do everything possible to deliver the best end result for both customer and grower. Whether it's vegetables we deliver straight from the land or the vegetable ingredients we supply to our customers, everything starts in the soil.

Peas and carrots, a forced marriage
One of the challenges for our customers is processing peas and carrots at the same time. This involves quite an array of things for us. For instance, we align the sowing schedules and during cultivation, we closely monitor the products to align the moment of harvesting. Our planners play an important role in this, alongside De Schakel's cultivation supervision. All this to ensure the best possible supply process for our customers.

We allow no waste
Working with natural products means depending on the fickleness and unpredictability of mother nature. Due to varying influences, the final product we harvest is not always exactly what we had anticipated. We have aligned our processes in such a way that we can still process as much of our vegetables as possible into a valuable product for the right customer. In doing so, we reduce waste and sustainably handle the produce coming off the land.